And here we go

The name's Bash. Chicks dig me, because I rarely wear underwear and when I do it's usually something unusual…like a onesie.

This is my blog. Enjoy.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

First sleepover!

So a few weeks ago was kind of a big deal. I got to have my first ever sleepover at grandma and grandpa's house. I know, right?!?!?

Mom and dad were pretty worried at first... ok, dad was pretty worried but that's just what he does. Mom says he needs to slow his muffins or rolls or something but we're getting off topic here...

Like I said, they did feel nervous about leaving me overnight because let's face it, it was going to be the first night by themselves since I got here. What were they going to do without me? Nobody to burp, change, or feed...nobody to stay up with all night...pretty boring if you ask me.

When I first got to grandma and grandpa's, I think they were also a little nervous. They wanted to make my stay a happy one, of course, and they hadn't done anything like this since dad was a kid...whoa!...wait, dad was a kid too? That's crazy.

So we settled in and I quickly showed grandma and grandpa the ropes. Before long, they were taking care of me just fine! We were talking and sitting up and feeding, just like when I'm at home. They're pretty cool and make sure I have everything I need. I think we're going to have a lot of fun together. They keep talking about this McDonald's guy though and how happy his meals are. Not sure what that means but they say we will like eating with him. So that's cool. 

Well, I think I have to poopie so I should probably go. There is some crying and pouting involved and I don't want you guys to see that side of me. I promise to get on this thing more often. I just have to wait until mom and dad aren't looking. It would freak them out if they knew I can type. 


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