And here we go

The name's Bash. Chicks dig me, because I rarely wear underwear and when I do it's usually something unusual…like a onesie.

This is my blog. Enjoy.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Becoming a little cranky pants

No!!! I don't wanna! No no no no no no no no no no! Not gonna happen! Nope! Noooooo! No way Jose!!! Did I mention no?...


I refuuuuuuuuuuuse to faaaaaaaaall asleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!!!!!

And that is why I'm so cranky...

Apparently, I am supposed to just fall asleep when I'm tired. Whatever... There is so much going on in my world right now that I want to watch and it makes me mad when I can't keep my eyes open. So I struggle with it all day long! I fight it and cry out and I yell at Mommy and Daddy. I don't really mean to and I know it makes them crazy but I just can't help it. Anyway...that is all for today...I am tired and getting crankier by the minute.


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Big news!...I got's a toofess!

Attention all you important peoples!!! Let it be known that on the 25th day of May, 2014, little Mr. Sebastian (that's me) was officially recognized as sprouting his first ever baby tooth! That's right, I'm getting my chompers folks! 

So heres the deal, I've actually known for quite a while now that something strange was happening in my mouth. But I wasn't sure exactly what, cuz I'm a baby and all this stuff is still new...don't judge me. I did notice that it felt better when I chewed on my fisties that's what I did...a lot. That should have been a sign.

The official unveiling happened when we all went out to eat. Mommy and Daddy were there with their friends. They were goofing around like normal. When Mommy put her knuckle in my mouth, it felt pretty good so I decided to chomp down. And that's when we discovered my first real toofess! Uncle Craig just happened to be snapping a photo at the exact same time. I think the reactions speak for themselves...

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Gangsta or Pranksta, the sequel

Ok, this time Mommy may have went a little cray cray...

There appears to be an overwhelming need in suburbia these days, to transform the appearance of one's innocent, angelic looking baby into a street savvy, convicted felon. Or maybe that's just a game for our nursery. 

Apparently, the last photo shoot wasn't quite realistic enough for Mommy. We had to further refine our ghetto costuming techniques. This time, we dove into the halloween costume bins and found ways to pepper in some additional authentic gang member flavor. Nice follow up, Mommy!

I think the overall character may still need a little work, though. The mustache and bandana make me look less like a cocaine kingpin and more like I'm selling vodka in the Siberian wilderness. If "Suburban Russian Mafia" ever comes into style, we may be all set!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Happy Song

Mommy says this is my favorite song. It was #1 when I was born. When I hear it, I bounce around and smile and sometimes even wet my diapers…ok, most of the time.

Play it and dance with me :)

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Gangsta or decide

Yesterday was a bit strange. Mommy was straightening up in my nursery and found a bandanna. Before I knew it, we were having another photo shoot! One minute, I was just chillin' on my bed, minding my own business, then all of a sudden, I'm being dressed up like a vato thug biker gangsta type guy. What's up with that? 

Mommy had a specific look she was going for but daddy said I just looked goofy. Daddy said I was less gangsta and more Aunt Jemima. I've met my Grandpa and Grandma, but I haven't met my Auntie Jemima yet...looking forward to that. 

What do you think?

Sunday, May 18, 2014

My big brother Falcon

How have I gone on all this time talking to you people without mentioning my big brother?!?!? That's awful...Bad Bash!! 

My big brother's name is Falcon and he's a 140lb Great Dane. Just for the official record, he's super cool and loves me very much. I love him too...ya know?... he's my dawg!

When I first got home, mom and dad were a little worried. Frankly, I was a little worried too, seeing as how I had never met a Great Dane before. Actually, I had never met ANYTHING before. So I guess we were all pretty freaked out. 

Anyway, after the initial newness and excitement wore off, it all became pretty normal. One big happy family! And aside from the bad breath and constant drooling, he's a pretty alright brother. Well, I guess he could say the same about me too. Maybe that's why we get along so well :)

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Check out my chair!

No childs nursery is complete without a comfy sofa least, that's the rumor I'm starting.

Check me out! As if my room weren't cool enough, now I'll be watching my daily dose of cable TV in my very own pint sized sofa seat! Compliments of grandma and grandpa, of course.

Ok, let the infant envy begin...

First sleepover!

So a few weeks ago was kind of a big deal. I got to have my first ever sleepover at grandma and grandpa's house. I know, right?!?!?

Mom and dad were pretty worried at first... ok, dad was pretty worried but that's just what he does. Mom says he needs to slow his muffins or rolls or something but we're getting off topic here...

Like I said, they did feel nervous about leaving me overnight because let's face it, it was going to be the first night by themselves since I got here. What were they going to do without me? Nobody to burp, change, or feed...nobody to stay up with all night...pretty boring if you ask me.

When I first got to grandma and grandpa's, I think they were also a little nervous. They wanted to make my stay a happy one, of course, and they hadn't done anything like this since dad was a kid...whoa!...wait, dad was a kid too? That's crazy.

So we settled in and I quickly showed grandma and grandpa the ropes. Before long, they were taking care of me just fine! We were talking and sitting up and feeding, just like when I'm at home. They're pretty cool and make sure I have everything I need. I think we're going to have a lot of fun together. They keep talking about this McDonald's guy though and how happy his meals are. Not sure what that means but they say we will like eating with him. So that's cool. 

Well, I think I have to poopie so I should probably go. There is some crying and pouting involved and I don't want you guys to see that side of me. I promise to get on this thing more often. I just have to wait until mom and dad aren't looking. It would freak them out if they knew I can type. 
